Lab Design spoke to Jane Kepros, LEED GA, the director of lab programming at Margulies Perruzzi about her career journey, professional advice, and hobbies.

Q: How did you get started in your career? Did you major in your field in college, get an internship, switch careers mid-stream, etc.?

A: I have had an interest in art and architecture since childhood. That interest evolved into engineering and science as I grew older. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in biomedical engineering and got a job at a small pharmaceutical start-up after college.

I worked there for eight years and during that time had the opportunity to wear many hats.  My main role was working in our research biology labs, mostly doing molecular and cell biology studies. But my group also went through two lab moves and I helped with the equipment layouts and getting the labs set up and ready when we moved in.  I was on the site safety committee, helping learn, share, and enforce safety measures in our labs. I was part of our celebrations team and got very involved in planning and participating in events and building our company culture.

While still working in the pharmaceutical industry, I started taking evening architecture classes at Boston Architectural Center (now named Boston Architectural College) for fun. When I decided it was time for something new in my career, I decided to check the job postings on the Boston Society of Architects website.  By sheer luck, I stumbled upon an advertisement from a small, boutique architecture firm looking for a Lab Planner.  In the advertisement, they indicated they were seeking either an experienced architect with ten plus years of lab planning experience or a scientist without architecture experience, willing to be trained in lab planning. I had never heard of lab planning, but I felt like it would be the perfect fit for me.

I ended up applying for and accepting that job.  I had an amazing mentor, who was a former scientist turned architect, that I worked with for over seven years. She taught me so much.

Thirteen years after changing careers, working with over 80 clients, and being involved in over 160 projects, I still feel like I am learning new things every day.

Q: What is the best piece of professional advice you have received?

A: One piece of professional (and life) advice that resonates with me is to be empathetic. Our industry requires a huge amount of collaboration among team members. Sometimes, a team member might be having a bad day or be distracted by something else going on in their life, and not be as focused or engaged as usual. Sometimes, you may need to collaborate with someone new in their role or new to the process, and you must be patient with their questions. Sometimes, you may need to work with someone who may not be a native speaker of the same language as you, and you must listen (and potentially clarify) when they use terminology differently from how you might use it. Taking the time to listen and relate has only been helpful in my career.

Q: What is one important skill you think that all lab design experts should have? 

A: A sense of perspective. At the end of the day, remember that you are designing a space for your client. You are not going to be working in that space, they will. You are not going to be maintaining that space, they are.  Just because another client asked for something in their space, does not mean that all clients want that, even if their program seems very similar on the surface. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that the space is functional, safe, and that the client is happy with the end result.

Q: What’s a common misconception about your job?

A: That lab programming and lab planning are the same thing. Lab programming is making sure you have all the necessary puzzle pieces ready to go, and lab planning is figuring out how to put the puzzle together. I do both and take pride in my ability to work through challenging programs in creative ways.

Q: What kinds of hobbies or interests do you have outside of work?

A: I love learning new skills and working on new projects. I especially enjoy crafting and sewing and have made many award-winning costumes for various events, as well as functional items, such as traditional leather mittens and mukluks for snowshoeing. I enjoy sporting events, volunteering, travel, theatre, music, hoppy beer, and good food. I spend many weekends each year camping or hiking around New England.

This article was featured in Lab Design News.

Director of Science Strategy Kerrie Julian discusses how the new building code impacts landlords and life sciences tenants.

By Jess Hamilton

High-hazard areas, often referred to as “H-rooms,” allow scientists to conduct research, and companies to manufacture, process, or store different types of hazardous substances in quantities greater than what is permitted in standard control areas. Control areas have been established in the International Building Code (IBC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) to limit the number of hazardous materials that are used in a space to keep the occupants of the space, and adjacent spaces, safe.  As you go vertically up in a building, control areas increasingly restrict the amount of these materials allowed in the space. This is because higher up in a building, it is more difficult for the local emergency teams to control the hazards, such as for a fire department to contain a large fire when their ladders cannot reach the floor where it is located.

There are different types of high-hazard spaces, classified by the IBC as H-1 through H-5.  These classifications are based on the types of materials used in them and the hazards that are present. No matter the classification, high-hazard spaces can add substantial cost to a project, so their use is often limited to areas critical to a company’s business operations.

Why Companies Need High-Hazard Space

Different industries and site types utilize high-hazard spaces to perform functions critical to their business operations. For instance, medicinal chemists working in pharmaceutical laboratories often require these spaces to store larger quantities of flammable liquids for their experiments to proceed efficiently. Central chemical storage rooms, classified as high-hazard spaces, may free up more allowance for in-use chemicals across a floor or within a building or suite.

Manufacturing facilities often designate parts of their facility to high hazard working areas to ensure their process is happening safely, minimizing risk to their employees and avoiding disruptions to their production.  Raw materials can be stored in high hazard areas as well.

Hazard Categories

The IBC classification of high hazard space is a numerical system H-1 through H-5.  This is often considered to be a 5-level ranked numbering system, like the category ratings assigned to hurricanes or tornados, but that is only partially true.  The first three levels, H-1, H-2, H-3, do represent similar hazards in decreasing severity, but H-4 and H-5 are for different categories of hazards altogether.

The differences among the levels include:

  1. H-1 spaces contain materials with detonation potential.
  2. H-2 spaces contain materials that promote accelerated burning.
  3. H-3 spaces contain materials that are easily combustible or pose a physical hazard.
  4. H-4 spaces contain materials that pose a health hazard, including toxic and corrosive chemicals.
  5. H-5 spaces are specially classified to contain materials typically used in semiconductor fabrication facilities.

All these hazardous materials can cause significant damage and risk in the event of an incident, so extreme care should be used when designing for any level of high-hazard space.

Determining a Spaces Hazard Level

Before entering lease negotiations, a company should assess whether they require high-hazard space, since not all properties can accommodate such spaces. The company’s Environmental, Health, and Safety (EH&S) department, along with the end users and design team, should work with a code consultant to confirm the types of hazardous materials used in the facility.  Sometimes, a hazard analysis is necessary to better understand the materials being stored and used.  This analysis can also help identify ways to make the process safer or more efficient.

A local fire department or other city official may need to be involved in the design process to address any safety concerns early and prevent delays during the permitting and construction process. If a space needs to accommodate multiple hazards, the code requirements for the most restrictive level must be followed, and appropriate segregation of hazardous materials must be managed.

Cost and Schedule Implications of High-Hazard Spaces

The construction requirements for maintaining safety in high-hazard spaces are very strict and go beyond those for a typical laboratory, manufacturing, or storage space.  Architectural elements such as fire-resistant walls, ceilings, and flooring materials are required to separate hazardous spaces from adjacent areas, and special finishes are required within the space itself.

Shorter egress routes are a requirement for high-hazard spaces, which limits their placement within a building.  In some cases, they may even need to be situated on an exterior wall. High-hazard spaces are limited in size, usually to no more than 500 square feet. Both new and existing buildings often require modifications to the construction of the space to comply with the requirements for a high-hazard space.

Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection considerations are also more complex than for non-hazard spaces.  Higher amounts of ventilation, as well as dedicated exhaust, may be required. Explosion-proof electrical devices are frequently required due to the possibility that chemical vapors could ignite from an electrical arc. There must be adequate containment to capture any potentially contaminated water if the sprinkler system goes off.

When creating high-hazard spaces, having an experienced design and construction team onboard is critical. To successfully design and construct the space, it is important for end users to provide as much information as possible during the programming and design phases. By doing so, any additional costs for special fixtures, finishes, equipment, etc. can be identified early on, and the construction schedule can be streamlined to accommodate long-lead items and special installations.


This article was featured in Lab Design News.

Congratulations to MITRE for the completion of their BlueTech Lab! We are honored to have been part of the team as the architect for this project.

The MITRE BlueTech Lab is a state-of-the-art, indoor maritime test facility and collaborative laboratory for innovators and researchers to advance maritime technology, strengthen climate resilience, and increase national security and safety.

The MITRE BlueTech Lab was recently featured on Chronicle!

In this video, Principal Marilyn Shen discusses how to design for inclusivity.

BOSTON – July 16, 2024 – Margulies Perruzzi (MP), one of New England’s most highly regarded architectural and interior design firms, is proud to welcome Edward Marcey, AIA as Healthcare Studio Leader. Edward will provide staff leadership as well as project management and quality assurance for the healthcare studio. He will also be responsible for maintaining and establishing new relationships with clients and industry partners.

Edward brings a well-rounded experience to the healthcare studio team,” said Daniel Perruzzi, AIA, LEED AP, principal and senior partner at Margulies Perruzzi. “He is dedicated to client management and staff development, aligning with the values of Margulies Perruzzi. His thoughtful leadership will ensure the success of current and future projects.”

Edward has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare design industry. He has held roles ranging from senior project manager to director of operations to managing principal. Edward has worked with numerous healthcare clients throughout the New England area, including Steward Health Care, Tufts Medical Center, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, and Southcoast Health. His project experience includes new construction and renovations for various project types, such as emergency departments, surgical suites, ambulatory surgery centers, behavioral health, medical offices, pharmacies, clinical labs, linear accelerator suites, exam rooms, pediatric care, and dental services.

Edward studied Architecture at New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is a licensed architect in Arizona, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, and Virginia.

Edward currently serves in the officer line for the Philanthropic Masonic Lodge and is the 9th District Ambassador for the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts. He has participated in several fundraising events for the American Diabetes Association and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.  He was recently appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals in his hometown of Lynn, Mass.

With an inspirational healthcare portfolio, Margulies Perruzzi specializes in hospital renovations and additions, outpatient clinics and treatment centers as well as hospital master planning, healthcare programming, and feasibility studies. Margulies Perruzzi has worked with a wide range of industry leaders, including Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Beth Israel Lahey Health’s Winchester Hospital, MaineHealth, and many others.

By Milly Baker, AIA, ACHA, LEED AP, Senior Medical Planner at Margulies Perruzzi

Many hospital administrators feel pressure to increase the size of their healthcare spaces despite a shortage of capital available to support facility investment.  Even with efforts to tighten up space and increase efficiency to cut costs, hospitals need larger and larger buildings.  The outcome is more space per patient and provider and, therefore, increased costs.

Why is everything getting larger?  A combination of many program developments has added area to hospitals. These changes include technology, general improvements in diagnostic and treatment methods that require bigger clinical teams and larger equipment sizes, more robust mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems, the introduction of robotics, an increase in team collaboration space, and revised requirements for accessibility. Each of these changing requirements adds increments of additional square footage.


Technology, the equipment that continues to improve patient care, requires greater infrastructure capacity. Years ago, there were 20 square foot data closets, but now, data rooms as large as 180 square feet are needed to accommodate all the digital equipment racks.  Cutting-edge features throughout hospitals drive this growth, including the interconnectedness of different clinical and monitoring systems, intelligent boards in patient rooms, smart boards in conference rooms, digital communication at the patient room entrance, signage and tracking systems, and direct clinical access to patient records. Because of the continued increase in technology use, it is critical to build specific data room requirements into the program from the start.


For many institutions, robotics are being introduced to augment surgery, save on staffing costs, and increase safety. While robotics in operating rooms, pharmacies, and labs is nothing new, re-engineering supply management through robotics is becoming more common. Robotic devices provide improved services, but they take up space both when in use and stored. Planners for new buildings should consider adding space to supply rooms and depots with dedicated corridors and elevators for this equipment. Isolating robotics equipment movement from staff and public circulation may also double circulation requirements.

MEP Infrastructure

Particularly since the start of the pandemic, hospitals require better air flow and humidification.  While new technology and equipment increase typical floor-to-floor dimensions, the MEP infrastructure should grow to serve the larger space requirements. Concerns for preventing contagions from spreading have also increased the demand for protective isolation wherever patients are treated. These robust systems need flexibility and capacity for future changes as well.


Equipment size has increased, challenging staff to accommodate the need for more space within current program standards. An example that requires more space is the reliance on ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation), a form of life support for patients with life-threatening illnesses, often used to combat COVID. An ECMO setup for an inpatient requires large elevators, wider doors, and greater patient room clearance than current standards.  Introducing ECMO into current, smaller patient rooms has proven difficult.

Hospital room size creep is frequent in treatment areas, including Operating Rooms, Nuclear Medicine Rooms, Radiation Treatment Rooms, and MRI Rooms.  These spaces are vital to each hospital’s mission but require more space than traditional planning methods. It is now not unusual for surgeons and patient staff to request 800 – 1,000 square feet for specialty and hybrid operating rooms.

Collaboration Space

As recruiting clinical staff has become increasingly challenging in recent years, many organizations have started paying more attention to the functionality of their workspaces.  Many hospitals have inadequate meeting areas and workspaces to accommodate all the staff meetings.  The historic administrative model, including a nurse station and one physician’s office, is no longer sufficient for an inpatient unit.  Staff now include clinical nurses, physicians, residents, case managers, social workers, educators, and nurse management. Workstations are needed for this range of support staff to do their jobs efficiently.

The ability for staff to collaborate in appropriately sized areas supports teamwork and protects patient confidentiality but is missing from minimal space standards in the Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) guidelines.  Both patient-facing workstations and private areas are needed to support team workflow.  Many institutions have also started to request rest space for staff, particularly in high-stress areas, such as emergency departments and intensive care units.  Breakrooms and other areas should be carefully designed to support staff respite.


As Americans get larger, FGI guidelines are requiring a whole new category of room sizes for “patients of size” and a newly required expansion of the American Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards turning radius. These new requirements to build larger inpatient rooms, exam rooms, and bathrooms, have been put in place to improve patient care and staff safety. However, they come with added space and cost requirements.

Program needs are driving hospitals to increase space. The challenge to planners, architects, and builders is how to manage client expectations, specifically during the programming phase when space requirements are established. The old space requirement formulas for area per bed or area per operating room need to be carefully re-examined and revised.  It is critical to take account of these conditions when developing conceptual fit plans and pinpointing scope feasibility to ensure that clients understand this new paradigm. The old rules no longer apply.

This article was featured in Medical Construction & Design.

Nick Dyer is featured in New England Real Estate Journal’s Ones to Watch – Rising Stars!

Nick Dyer, AIA | Architect

“Nick consistently pursues ways to convey project intent to clients and their projects. He applies detailed forethought that helps project teams understand the multiple aspects of proposed design solutions. His ability to push design while considering technical coordination means all his projects benefit from his involvement.” – Nate Turner, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, Associate Principal, Partner at Margulies Perruzzi.

In the last 12 months what accomplishment are you most proud of? The accomplishment I’m most proud of in the last year is becoming a licensed architect in Massachusetts. Receiving my license has provided me with the opportunity to be the lead architect on projects. The first project I was able to lead was for the JCC of Greater Boston, and I am very proud of it. I can’t wait to see it completed.

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? First and foremost are my parents. I would never be where I am today without their support and guidance. After them come numerous colleagues and professors who have all taken time throughout my education and career to field my questions and help me grow into the architect I am today.

In this video, Jenna Meyers, Senior Interior Designer and Partner, discusses three key factors to make your office space a workplace amenity for employees.

What if we could help you save time and money on your lab design project? Jane Kepros, Director of Lab Programming, explains how her unique approach to surveying lab equipment can save you money during the design and construction phases of lab fit-outs.