As you may know, The AIA COVID-19 Task Force (including MP’s John Fowler) has published tools to assess and catalog the adaptive reuse of buildings as Alternative Care Sites. We are extremely grateful for all of the hard work and sacrifice healthcare professionals are putting in on the front lines of this pandemic and are looking for more ways to support them whenever we can.

The work of the TF was acknowledged, and AIA was highlighted by ASAE as one of the 100 Associations That Will Save the World (ASAE is the professional association for people who work in Association Management). Click the graphic below to see the entire article. AIA was recognized under the Coronavirus Response section. The rest of 99 associations are an amazing list of organizations that do great work around the country and the world. It is incredible that MP is represented on this TF alongside many others that contributed.

EndoPro Magazine cover story: If you are thinking about expanding, relocating or renovating your endoscopy center or department, there are several key space planning concepts, regulatory requirements, trends, options and features that should be considered before anyone puts pen to paper or sets a project budget.

Given the impact that the current pandemic has had on the ability for many endoscopists to see patients and the use of some endoscopy centers for surge capacity, pandemic resiliency should also be factored into the planning.


Click the cover image for the full article by John Fowler, AIA, EDAC, LEED AP, Healthcare Studio leader at Margulies Perruzzi.